Omni Life Science
Tuesday, 28.9.2021, 2:30pm
Fast and gentle single cell isolation for cell line development and single cell genomics by microfluidic single cell dispensing
DGFZ Board Chair: Raluca Niesner
Webinar speakers:
John Lamb, Namocell Inc.
Thorsten Rieling, OLS Omni Life Science
OLS Omni Life Science provides cutting edge solutions for cell-based research. Focusing on people and innovations throughout, our mission is to promote research in Life Sciences with smart, reliable and user-friendly technology.
Single cell sorting and isolation has traditionally been a bottleneck in the workflows for single cell applications, including cell line development, single cell genomics and proteomics, cell line engineering and CRISPR, monoclonal antibody development, synthetic biology, and rare cell isolation such as circulating tumor cells (CTCs). Existing techniques such as fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) often leads to compromised cell viability and poor outgrowth, contamination, clogging, in addition to the operational complexity and high maintenance requirement, while manual limiting dilution is inefficient, unreliable and highly labor-intensive. The Namocell Single Cell Dispenser combine the benefits of three key technologies: microfluidics, flow cytometry and liquid dispensing enabling the users to accomplish single cell sorting and dispensing in one step, providing fast, easy and gentle sorting and isolation of single cells.
Thorsten Rieling
OLS – OMNI Life Science GmbH & Co. KG
T +49 421 276 169 0 | M +49 170 448 76 42
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28359 Bremen