Webinar competition
Task: Participate in at least 6 of 9 webinars and answer a quiz question at the end of each webinar!
Requirements for participation: Register as a participant of DiGifZ 2021 on our website (Registration).
In order to get to know the individual industry partners of DiGifZ 2021 also at a virtual conference, we have chosen the format of satellite webinars.
For this, our industrial partner will present their latest innovations within 30 minutes plus discussion during the webinars. We have distributed the individual webinars over the days before and during the conference – so there is enough time for the individual sets.
Take advantage of the opportunity to exchange ideas and have a chance to win an iPad Air.
We see the webinars as a useful tool for scientific networking and the iPads as a way to make science more mobile.
The three winners will be drawn from all participants of the webinars at the Farewell on Friday, 1st of October at 3 pm. All names of those who participated in at least six webinars and answered the questions correctly will be entered into the draw. Those who cannot be present will be notified by e-mail. You can find all further details on the procedure in the attached PDF.