Product Slam
September 29, 2021
14:00 – 15:00

What is the product slam and what is good for, well…
Well for this year it is a short summary and reminder for those company presentations, that you already heard. But it is also an appetizer for products of companies, where there was no time at this conference to present in more detail.
Anyway, it is an one hour session to review and look ahead, what is going on in industry.
And we will have a nice potpourri of multiparameter, spectral, flow, imaging, mass, chip cytometry, accessories, therapy development, single cell analysis and optogenetics. Somehow something that at least makes us, Tom and me, curious.
At the end of the short presentations of 3 minutes each, the audience will decide on the best “Industry-Slamer:in” via a poll through Slido.
Then it’s called: And the price for… best overall performance, including best visual effects and best live character goes to…..
The first three companies will receive a certificate and a small prize.
Order of presentations:
AHF Analysentechnik
Beckman Coulter
Cell Signaling
Cytek Biosciences
Fast Forward Discoveries/ FFX
Thermo Fischer Scientific
Zellmechanik Dresden
Here you can see a short film about the prodcuct slam (and the fun it makes…)
Same procedure as last year …