Tutorials 1 and 2

Monday September, 27th, 2021, 10 am – 12 pm

Tutorial Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting

Chairs: Claudia Giesecke-Thiel and Toralf Kaiser

In this tutorial we will give a brief overview of cell sorting techniques and then jump right into the technical basics of flow cytometry. We will focus on technical knowledge that is relevant for the daily use of flow cytometers but often forgotten, such as light detection basics, signal processing and fluidic basics. At the end, participants should have an in-depth insight as well as practical knowledge with a focus on the technical characteristics of flow cytometers, handling and cell sorting using FACS.

The tutorial is aimed at all those who have been using flow cytometry for a long time and would like to brush up on their knowledge, as well as at users who are new to flow cytometry.

Tutorial Mass Cytometry

Chairs: Bertram Bengsch , Désirée Kunkel , Henrik Mei, Henrike Salié , Axel Schulz, Sarah Warth

This tutorial will introduce mass cytometry and imaging mass cytometry and will showcase applications in select projects.

The presentations will lead through the Ins and Outs of mass cytometry, and how to examine cell suspensions and tissue sections. You will be will guided through typical experimental and data analysis workflows and will have opportunity to discuss with and get your questions answered by experts in the field.

Tutorial Publication in Cytometry A

Chair: Attila Tarnok

Scientific journals require certain quality standards from manuscripts to be acceptable for further reviewing and publication. There are some very common reasons why a paper gets reviewed and accepted or rejected. This tutorial aims to highlight all major aspects of manuscript writing, submission and communication with the reviewers, points out what can (and very often does) go wrong and how to do it right in order to improve your chances to get your paper published. Special emphasis will be taken to focus on the needs for publishing cytometry data in biomedical and technical oriented journals such as Cytometry Part A. The process will be shown from the Editors and the publishers’ point-of-view. A particular emphasis will be put on publication of immunophenotyping panels with high complexity, the OMIPs.