RegistrationWelcome to the DiGifZ Annual Meting 2021Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser, um dieses Formular fertigzustellen.Titel *Dr.Dr.PhdProf.otherName *Last Name *E-Mail *E-Mail-AdresseE-Mail bestätigenOrganisation *AddressPostcode *Town *Country *_____________________________________I am *DGfZ member = 0,00 EuroNot a member* = 25,00 EuroInvited Speaker/ChairIndustryTeam_____________________________________I want to participate in the Tutorials on Monday:Flow CytometryMass CytometryPublication in Cytometry AnoGroups should not be too large - so please register here._____________________________________I want to participate in the Tutorials on Tuesday:Image AnalysisMechanocytometrynoGroups should not be too large - so please register here._____________________________________Abstract upload?Yes, I will submit an abstract for a short talk (10 Min)Yes, I will submit an abstract for a speed talk (3 Min)No_____________________________________Publishing my contact details *I agree that my contact details: Name, organisation, email may be printed in the abstract book. The abstract book will be published on this website. no, don't print my contact in the abstract book_____________________________________GDPR agreement *I agree that this website may store my submitted data in order to inform me in connection with the meeting._____________________________________send*if you want to become a DGfZ-member, send an email to