Dear friends of cytometry,
Only few days to go and the annual meeting of the German Society for Cytometry will start on September 29th in its digital form: DiGifZ2021! Thank you for your enthusiastic response emphasized by your many registrations and abstracts – from Germany and all over the world.
The DiGifZ2021, as a ZOOM meeting, waits for you with an exquisite scientific program with internationally renowned speakers next to tutorials in several areas of cytometry as well as excellent webinars organized by our partners from the industry. The tutorials and the industry webinars will start already on Monday, September 27th.
To underline the international character of the conference and continuing the tradition of the DGfZ, we will welcome this year Prof. Rachel Errington, president of ISAC, and Dr. Andy Filby from the UK in the European guest session.
This year, we set the scientific focus of the conference on technological and methodological development enabling us new perspectives on cells. From the keynote speaker, Prof. Chris Xu, we will learn how in vivo three-photon microscopy helps to unravel neuronal functions in up to now unprecedented tissue depths in the mouse brain. Further, we extended the palette of established cytometric technologies with new tools allowing to access additional cellular parameters: we now have a special session dedicated to Mechanocytometry. Our Guest Lecture Speaker, Prof. Carolina Wählby, will give us an introduction on emerging AI algorithms for imaging cytometry analysis.
Last but not least, the winner of the Klaus-Goerttler-Prize, will give insight into the role of CD8 T cells in COVID19 pathology revealed by high-dimensional cytometry.
The core sessions of the conference are perfectly complemented by exciting industry webinars. As last year, we will have a Quiz referring to these talks and you have the opportunity to win one of three iPad Airs!
Besides, you will be able to connect with other participants in smaller, flexible groups during virtual coffee breaks via the Discord platform – available throughout the week.
I am very much looking forward to seeing and discussing with you about latest advances in cytometry technologies and their currently highly relevant applications at DiGifZ 2021! It is still time to register. Registration until 23rd of September will guarantee to be included in the list of participants in our abstract book.
Raluca Niesner